Climate/Terrain: Any Oriental Land
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Tribal
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Average to Exceptional (9-16)
Treasure: G; R,S (magic only) in lair
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Number Appearing: 1-6
Armor Class: 4
Movement: 9, Fl 15 (B)
Hit Dice: 5+2
THAC0: 15
Number of Attacks: 1
(?): d12
by Weapon
Special Attacks:
Charm Person (per spell, Ogre Mage ability), 1/Day
Cone of Cold (per spell, Ogre Mage ability, 60' x 20', 8d8 damage, save vs Spell for half damage), 1/day
Darkness, 10' Radius (per spell, Ogre Mage ability)
Sleep (per spell, Ogre Mage ability), 1/Day
Special Defenses:
Assume Gaseous Form (per spell, Ogre Mage ability), 1/day
Invisibility (per spell, Ogre Mage ability)
Regeneration, 1 hp/round
+1 on Morale Rolls
Special Abilities:
Fly (per spell, Ogre Mage ability)
Polymorph Self (per spell, Ogre Mage ability) into human or similar bipedal creature, 4'-12' Tall.
Special Weaknesses:
Magic Resistance: 10%
Size: L (10½' feet tall)
Morale: Elite (13-14)
XP Value: 975
Note: Ogre Mages favor the following Weapons:
Naginata (75%) (Speed 8, d8/d10)
Scimitar and (Speed 5, d8/d8)
Whip (25%) (Speed: 8, d2/1)
Source: 2nd Edition AD&D 2140, Monstrous Manual, page 273
Ed's Notes: First thing yo get out of the way: The MM lists d12 as his Damage/Attack, but gives NO indication where that COMES FROM. I'm at a loss. Also... While I'm not going to include the full Monstrous Manual here, I DO intend to include all entries that correspond to NPC's, or that might be reasonable to encounter on the Planes, but which were not included in the PS Setting. In this case, it's for Estavan. But how cool is it that Tony DiTerlizzi still did the original in the 2e MM?!
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