Male Human Planar
5th Level Fighter
Xaositects (factor)
Chaotic Neutral
Str: 18/39 Int: 10 HP: 36
Dex: 11 Wis: 9 AC: 2
Con: 15 Cha: 12 THAC0: 16
Field Plate Armor
Two-Handed Sword, +1 (Sigil, Speed: 10, d10, 3d6)
Dagger (Speed: 2, d4, d3)
Light Crossbow (Speed: 7, ROF: 1, Range: 6/12/18)
20 Bolts (d4/d4)
1 Bolt +2 (Sigil, d4+2, d4+2)
Standard Fighter abilities.
Faction Abilities: Can use Babble (reverse of Tongues) once per week. Protected by Nondetection from spells cast by Lawful Wizards or Priests.
Source: 2nd Edition AD&D 2611, The Factol's Manifesto, page 158
Ed's Notes: Lol. Lovable unpredictable lug! A huge basher whole patrols the Hive and generally tries to solve every problem by hitting it with a big, fucking sword. Not a bad guy, once you get to know him however. Can be very helpful within the Hive.
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