Male Half-Elf Planar
19th Level Ranger
Believers of the Source (factol)
Neutral Good
Str: 18 Int: 13 HP: 95
Dex: 18 Wis: 18 AC: 2
Con: 16 Cha: 17 THAC0: 2
Amulet of the Planes
Ring of Protection +4 (Sigil)
Brooch of Shielding
Crown of Telepathy (as Helm)
Robes of Displacement
Gem of Seeing (on beaded chain)
Iridescent Spindle Ion Stone
Invisible Sword of Dancing +2 (Sigil)
Spells/Level: 3/3/3
Has Standard Ranger, Half-Elf and Faction Abilities. uses the "Exceeding Level Limits" Rule in Chapter 2 of the Player Character Races in the 2e DM's Guide.)
Source: 2nd Edition AD&D 2611, The Factol's Manifesto, page 19
Ed's Notes: One of the cooler Factols to interact with, form a PC's perspective. Plays a decent role in the Harbinger House module, giving the PC's an opportunity to meet and interact with him. He's pretty pacifistic for a Ranger, and PC's could be forgiven for mistaking him for a Priest. His magical gear is assumed to all be forged in Sigil.
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