Female Tiefling Planar
15th/15th Level Fighter/Mage
Transcendent Order (factol)
Str: 17 Int: 17 HP: 68
Dex: 18 Wis: 12 AC: 5
Con: 15 Cha: 18 THAC0: 6
Cloak of the Bat
Dagger (Speed: 2, d4/d3)
Staff of the Magi
Horseshoes of Speed (as Boots of Speed)
Spells/Level: 5/5/5/5/5/2/1
Spellbook includes Enchantments, Alterations, Divinations and Abjurations. She never uses Illusions and avoid most Necromantic Magic
Standard Fighter/Mage Abilities.
Standard Tiefling abilities. Also has Reptilian tail and a partial carapace that provides natural AC 8.
Faction Abilities: Gain -3 bonus to initiative rolls, +3 Bonus to Save against mind-affecting spells and effects.
Source: 2nd Edition AD&D 2611, The Factol's Manifesto, page 133
Ed's Notes: A but of an odd duck, personality wise. Players (at least mine) tend to shy away from this faction do to the "no take backs" limitation. Lol. So I never really got a feel for her. An impulsive true-neutral thought could be rather interesting as a leader. On a personal note, I do admire their decisiveness.
Factol Rhys leaps into action. |
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